Press release courtesy of Panama Cyber News

Books by Panama CyberNews Subscribers

Anne-Marie Barclay-Morrison (England), Northamptonshire- based writer is celebrating after launching her first novel Second ChancesAnne-Marie, who lives in Wellingborough, hosted the official launch for her book at the Castle Theatre in Wellingborough recently.  The book genre is crime fiction and set in the Northamptonshire countryside. Commenting on the launch Anne-Marie enthuses, "The book launch was a fabulous success, far better than I expected and am delighted with the support from my friends and family they made it very special.  I am absolutely bowled over with the number of positive responses from those who have read the book. It is truly wonderful and deeply moving. We literally sold out all our promotional copies and now have orders for many more.”

Anne-Marie has previously written comedy scripts and short stories and is currently working on another novel as well as other projects. She is also looking for the right literary agent to showcase her future projects. To find out more about Anne-Marie’s work or to order a copy of her novel Second Chances you visit her website at  or email


Second Chances is now on Amazon

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