Anne-Marie is a Wellingborough based author who has written a number of comedy scripts, travel logs and short stories over the years. After publishing her first novel 'Second Chances' she is now in the process of writing and producing a second novel due for completion and publishing in 2021.

 First interview

I met Anne-Marie at the Castle Theater in Wellingborough in the same room she had earlier launched her first published novel. She was not what I expected as she stood to greet me with a beautiful bright smile and a soft voice. Dressed in a black trouser suit black boots and a bright red blouse the combination was striking but yet it worked. I found myself thinking that will be my next power suit when I need to impress. I apologized for my tardiness and almost immediately she responded with please don't worry, can I get you a drink? 

I found her friendly, good-natured easy to talk to. She was someone who had deep insight and understanding. Someone who took time to research and develop these characters that were so palpable so convincing and so flawed. She is someone who has traveled to the world on her own and yet seems somewhat shy. I like her. I like her bravery, her sense of adventure, her independence and her steely determination to not compromise. She knows what she wants and she works incredibly hard to make it happen.

During our interview, Anne-Marie (Don't call her Anne), was often interrupted by passers by saying hello or inquiring about her parents. They varied in age, ethnicity and gender. When asked  if they were fans of her book she softly replied; I have no idea, this is how we are here, everyone knows everyone if not you still say hello. Small town Big heart.

I can honestly say, I am a fan. Three hours had passed so quickly, I had almost forgotten why I was there. This was an exceptional interview with a soon to be celebrated author. The following is a brief synopsis of our first interview.

 By her own admission Anne-Marie freely states she is a Country girl at heart

"I now find after years of travelling and working around the world it is always refreshing to come home to the greenery and open fields, I just love the countryside."

As a native of Northamptonshire, Anne-Marie used the visual backdrop of her local town and surrounding villages to recreate the fictional characters and hamlet of Wellcastle for her novel Second Chances. But who is she? An Amateur Genealogist, a Corporate Travel Agent, a Researcher, a Carer, a Song Writer, a Musician and an Author, one wonders where Anne-Marie found the time to pen her first novel. 

"Just missing hours of sleep. I am an insomniac so that definitely helps. And I find one has to make time and sacrifice things to make something of greater importance happen, however it was a process I thoroughly enjoyed. Looking back I was so focused on the writing it was not unusual for me to finish at five or six o'clock every morning." 

When asked how long it took to complete the project she laughs.

"Well three and a half  months to write it and one year to proof read!" she laughs again "Although I am still not 100% happy with the manuscript but the reviews so far have been quite favorable."


"No matter how determined my proof-reading attempts has been, I still see glaring mistakes in my original work, nevertheless I am excited that the novel is completed and published."

When asked if she has any similarities to the main character she replies

"No, however I loved Genevieve’s strength, indomitable spirit and frankness. Naturally I did interject a little of my humor in there too as I have with most of the characters in the Novel."

Favorite Character?

"Well it has to be Jenny, if you do not know or like her at first after you take this journey with her, i have no doubt you will not be able to help but love and admire her and Jonas is a very close second."

The book is an emotional roller-coaster when asked if that was that her intention she replies

"Yes i guess  it was,.  Life has its highs and lows and I wanted to reflect that as best as I could and with a jot of humor. I do hope I have managed to do that and to elicit some kind of intensity." 

What was the best part of the Second Chances project?

"The research. Piecing the project together, seeing it in book form for the first time and then the reactions of my friends and family but most especially my parents they are so excited and that makes me happy too."

The worst part?

"Losing my precious work when the computer crashed."

Where do you find your characters? 

"Well I am doing a little work in the community, here and there, a little undercover work that will enable me to research my characters thoroughly."She laughs

Favorite short story? 

"One I penned many years ago entitled 'A soldiers story' about a teen going off to war, it was quite moving that after reading it years later I was surprised how poignant and relevant it still is today."

 Any other projects in the pipeline?

"I am working on a second novel, a genealogy project and a photographic book but I am in the process of researching my characters at present for the next novel."

Any hints on a reprisal of any characters that we know and love?

"You will just have to wait and see." She adds with a beaming smile

  Judith Beharrie

Second interview to follow.



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